Inclusion of Refugees in the Training System of the National Institute of Vocational Training and Capacity Building for Human Development – INADEH

Once refugees are aware of the possibility of accessing INADEH’s training cycles, they can begin the process of requesting information and pre-registration, in coordination with civil society organizations or without. However, the process of requesting information, pre-registration and access to INADEH requires the signature of the Ministry of Interior (ONPAR) of the note certifying their status as a recognized refugee. In these cases, the refugee must request the signature of the note (in which case he/she can be supported in this process by both UNHCR and civil society organizations working with refugees) and submit all the documentation required by INADEH.


Panama (Headquarters Tocumen, La Chorrera, El Chorrillo)


From 2018 to date.



From the inception of the program (December 2018) to date, this pilot program has benefited 43 people (26 already enrolled and another 17 in process). This is an important sample that will surely be growing in the future. In this sense, we work very closely with our different partners in Panama, including the CRP, who support the identification of people and their profile as well as awareness-raising so that the population of interest is aware of the existence of this type of program and can be supported for their enrollment. On June 20, 2019 a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Interior, INADEH and UNHCR to formalize the agreements and the inclusion of the refugee population in the process of vocational training, and training provided by INADEH.

Lead Entity and Partners


UNHCR, INADEH, Ministry of Interior (ONPAR). Partners (NGOs – Red Cross) also support the sharing of information about these opportunities.

Linked MIRPS Commitment

Promote equitable and quality education by strengthening national systems to foster inclusion, resilience, and participation of children and youth in host communities.

Aditional Resources