“My First Job” Program
This program offers opportunities for young people without work experience to access their first formal work experience in private companies under an apprenticeship contract, receiving the current minimum wage and social security. This program works to incorporate people with international protection needs into the formal labor market, in close collaboration with private companies.

El Salvador – National reach

Began in 2021 to the present.

Since 2021, the “My First Job” Program has been able to orient and prepare 1,135 people in soft skills for employment.
Since 2021, 617 young people have been supported in labor inclusion through apprenticeship contracts.
Around 184 private sector companies opened their doors to inclusion and obtained highly motivated and trained human capital.

Lead entity and Partners
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MTPS), UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the private sector.

Linked MIRPS Commitment
Priority access to job placement programs for the displaced or at-risk population.