“By Your Side” Support Spaces
“By Your Side” Support Spaces offer comprehensive assistance in safe spaces to internally displaced persons, persons at risk of displacement, asylum seekers, refugees, and returnees in need of protection. The services offered by these spaces include:
- Information on access to rights and services
- Legal advice
- Psychological attention
- Child and adolescent friendly space
- Internet access
- Comprehensive case management
- Humanitarian assistance

El Salvador (San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Vicente, San Miguel).

The initiative began in 2021.

Provision of support at the local level, for different services related to protection and care/attention.

Lead Entity and Partners
UNHCR, Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Local Governments, NGOs.

Linked MIRPS Commitment
Establish a specialized displaced population unit with trained technical teams to attend to different profiles of displaced people.