Access to decent employment for migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers
This initiative consists of the implementation of a strategy to promote orderly access to the National Employment System’s programming, which entails a national process of identification, registration, and regularization (in relation to migratory status and employment), of the beneficiary population (migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers). This initiative promotes a communications and dissemination strategy aimed at employers to identify vacancies required by the productive sector in specific sectors of greatest demand. The following actions are carried out for its implementation:
Characterisation of the beneficiary population and mapping of the labour supply.
Identify the gaps between the profile of the beneficiary population and the profile required for jobs in the economic sector or companies.
Mapping of non-governmental bodies that support this population in order to register the labour supply in the National Employment System.
Registration of the beneficiary population in the digital platform of the National Employment System.
Registration of vacancies in the digital platform of the National Employment System.

Costa Rica (National level in specific economic sectors).

This initiative is underway and will be implemented until September 2024.

It is expected that 2,500 persons are registered (in relation to their migratory status), 3,000 potential job opportunities are identified, and 50% of the total beneficiary population will be informed about employment services and employed in decent jobs.

Lead Entity and Partners
Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the National Apprenticeship Institute, the Directorate General of Migration and Aliens and public institutions that make up the National Employment System.
This initiative is funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

Linked MIRPS Commitment
This initiative is directly related to the commitments of Costa Rica’s national plan known as MINARE (Marco Integral Nacional de Atención y Respuesta a las Personas Refugiadas), in terms of migration regularisation and linkage to employment through the Public Employment System. This action is linked to the work of the National Technical Team and the MIRPS Working Group on Employment and Livelihoods.
MINARE was conceived in 2017 as a nationwide framework for action, involving public institutions, ministries, autonomous institutions, and other relevant actors to articulate actions to address the situation of forcibly displaced persons.