High-Level Event on Protection and Empowerment of Displaced Women and Girls from Central America and Mexico

December 7, 2021

The Event on Protection and Empowerment of Forcibly Displaced Women and Girls in Northern Central America and Mexico was developed to defend the human rights of women and girls in vulnerable situations in the region and promote their access to solutions through gender inclusion in communities.

Canada, as Chair of the MIRPS Support Platform; and Honduras, as MIRPS Pro-Tempore Chair, hosted the high-level event.

Concept Note

Event Recording

Press Release

Stories of Courage and Healing


Give visibility to forced displacement in Central America and Mexico, particularly the complex situation of women and girls.

Show how MIRPS countries work and are committed to ensuring protection and solutions for women and girls who are displaced or at risk of displacement.

Mobilize the international community to broaden the support base for these regional efforts in line with the commitments made by the MIRPS countries.

The Event on Social Media: Featured Content